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Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist
Published: 26 November 2010

The title sounds like fuzzy math but it is not. It is the reality that we have on Capitol Hill after the past elections. We now have no Black senators thanks to the shenanigans of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democratic National Committee's anemic support for any Black stepping up for a senate slot. They don't want that to happen because the last time it happened it turned the party upside down and we evolved to our first Black President. Believe me they do not want to repeat that unforeseen phenomenon. The fact is they are making moves to lessen the 42 Black congresspersons representing the Democratic Party. On the other hand, the Republican National Committee is touting their two newly elected Black congressmen. The Dems are pushing their Black congresspersons into a subservient role as the Repubs are bringing their two new victors to the front of the line and saying "go for it!"

How they treated House Majority Whip James Clyburn is just totally indignant and insulting to a human being of great character. Massa Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi) came in and fired him as Whip and replaced him with White Steny Hoyer as if the big loss they experienced at the polls was Congressman Clyburn's fault. In a fair world, Ms. Pelosi would be stepping down from her leadership role as she "sunk" the ship she was guiding. You don't blame it on others. A true leader would have fallen on his/her sword and passed the gauntlet on to the next in line. But, no they blamed it on the Black man and to everyone's disappointment he, the Black man, took it with a smile.

And, so it is going on right now on Capitol Hill. Black congressional persons of the Congressional Black Caucus are catching hell from their White masters and to the disappointment of their constituents – Black victims of terrible policy. Yes, their districts are becoming poorer and they don't have a clue what to do. Just in case they might start thinking about that, the democratic White elite are giving them serious problems so that their concentration is destroyed.

Pelosi and her minions are using the Ethics Committee to knock off senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus. It is as if no Whites are capable of ethics violations. They have a new hit list and it is all Black! Charles Rangel was paraded on television last week and humiliated to no end. Oh yes, there are more coming. Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson Jr., Alcee Hastings are among a few and the intent is to knock them down a notch or two. They will lose key committee positions and will be terribly damaged public relations wise for future elections. They are attacking the seniority of Congressman Ed Towns on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and are trying to block the Honorable Bobby Rush as Ranking Member of the Telecommunications Committee. Every day a new assault forms against the CBC for the purpose of lessening Black political power. The super liberals, unionists, socialists, and Marxists are all moving in the same direction and that direction is against every Black Democratic member of Congress.

As the Republicans are preparing to take over the management of the House of Representatives, they are touting their two new Black members as natural leaders and giving them great expectations. Fortunately, these two brothers, Tim Scott (South Carolina) and Allen West ( Florida ) are strong and proud of their Blackness. Their doors are going to be open for Black advocates to come and seek advice or bring ideas to them. They won't have to check with the union goons, socialists on George Soros's payroll and super government freaks. They will represent their districts and become the conscience of Black business and entrepreneurship. These two new members will quickly have more clout in the power circles and exude positive influence than all of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus collectively. The CBC is beaten down and is on the "run". These two brothers answer to God only and will not be humiliated or shamed into servitude. They are true leaders.

Watch as the drama on Capitol Hill unfolds. The names Scott and West will represent the leadership of Black America and will guide the future of our children and our neighborhoods. They are not going to play the poverty game and be beholden to those who mean us no good – unions, socialists, Marxists, etc. They represent the people and have just gone through some of the meanest dirty campaign tricks the DNC could deliver. Still, they rose and are now in place to exhibit the leadership skills they have learned during the past decades. These two will do more for us than the other 42 together. Thank God for the progress.

Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.

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